20 reasons why I love being a missionary

Monday, December 12, 2016

I just wanted to first, thank all the friends and family that send me a congrats this week. My inbox is feeling SUPER LOVED right now. This week was made special by the dear sisters who I live with, the sweet members of Jardim Guanabara, and my mission president and his wife. I couldnt think of a better idea of how to celebrate 20 years of life, than explaining why I love spending just a tiny part of my life, serving the Lord.

1. the feelig of true happiness, true true happiness
2. serving other children of God 24/7
3. getting to know another country, culture, life style
4. meeting the people that I know I knew before this life
5. being a representative of my Savior, whom I love so dearly
6. turning into a better disciple of Christ everyday
7. sharing my testimony to all different types of people
8. learning to appreciate everything that I have
9. putting on a true smile everyday so help others
10. testifying of what I know to be true
11. teaching others how they can be great missionaries too
12. loving others with all my soul
13. making friendships for the eternities
14. teaching the one thing that I love with all my heart (the gospel)
15. eating rice and beans 24/7 (brazil life)
16. learning how to overcome the biggest difficulties
17. knowing exactly what to say for someone who is needing it
18. feeling the presence of Heavenly Father always near me
19. gaining more knowledge of how to be a better daughter, mom and wife one day
20. being a true representative of my Savior, Jesus Christ


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