A special testimony

Monday, March 6, 2017

 Burnt to a crisp, thanks to Carnaval
 My favorite Irma had a birthday and had to make her Pave
 The View
 The house of Sisters, all are so young except for me (tears)
Officially 14 months out on the mission!

My apologies my dear friends and family for not writing last week... I would have like to write but EVERYTHING IS BRAZIL WAS SHUT DOWN. So last week was Carnaval. I imagined the movie "Rio" with those blue birds that fall in love. If you have not seen this film, its a much watch. I watched it about a thousand times before I came to Brazil thinking it would be just like that. Turns out that Carnaval in the movie really only happens in big cities like Rio de Janiero and Sao Paulo. But everyone left the city to go to the beautiful beaches of the Nordeste. Long story short, no one was here. Literally no one. I´ve never talked to so many dogs and cats in my life. And all the computer places were shut down so I couldnt email.

This week I completed one of my mission goals... I finished reading "Jesus the Christ" by James E. Talmage. As I was preparing for my mission, I was doing my bags and I mentioned for my mom that we had to buy this book because it was on the list for the mission. My dad had mentioned that we already had a copy. Little did I know that this copy, was the same copy that my dad took on his own mission.  As I began to read (and finally finish), I would like to bear my testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  As a representative of Him, I have the privilege to show the love, compassion, and patience that He has for my brothers and sisters here in Fortaleza. This is a special testimony that I can give only for a little bit longer...

Eu sei que Jesus Cristo e meu Salvador. Por isso, eu amo ele com todo de meu coração. Eu sou uma pessoa imperfeita e preciso muito a graça Dele em minha vida. Mais e mais que eu aprendo sobre a vida divina Dele, eu reconheço Ele como meu Salvador, meu grande irmão, e melhor amigo. A mão dele sempre esta la que precisamos. Como sou grata por aquela mão. Precisava e ainda preciso-la em todos momentos. Sou grata por a oportunidade a servir como meu Salvador a da um pedaço de tempo sagrado a ele durante minha missão.

I began to write in English but my mind wouldnt let me remember the right words. But I hope you can all still feel the peace and love that I feel when I can write or talk about my Savior.

Sister Myers


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